The Top 3 Tips For Your Next Business Trip

Resultado de imagen para business tripTravelling on business can be a great experience, not only for improving your career path, but also for the chance of meeting new people, places, and cultures. Nevertheless, some business travellers get unnecessarily stressed out for things that could be easily planified and managed in advance.
In this post, you'll get some tips to bear in mind in order to make that trip as relaxed, unstressful, and enjoyable as it could possibly be.

1. Plan reservations ahead of time

First of all, make sure to have your reservations confirmed. If your company has a sector in charge of travelling matters, contact them and specify any special requirements you may have. For example, if you smoke, then you'll need an hotel's room or apartment where smoking is allowed.

If you'll need money for expenses, make sure you get this handled too.

Once they send you your travel schedule, check the following things out:
  • Shuttle from home to the airport, train/bus station/port of departure. Check that the shuttle was given the right address to pick you up, and the sufficient time to get to the airport at least 2 hours in advance of your departure. Also see that the shuttle destination is correct (Airport X).
  • Tickets for the main trip, especially dates and times are okay.
  • Reservations in the chosen accomodation are confirmed.
Having these things ready, will bring you peace of mind on this subject for the rest of your trip.

2. Pack wisely

It is usually a problem to pick the right clothes and stuff to take to a trip, and this gets really critical for a business trip, where you have to carry with you the smallest suitcase possible that'll do the job.

Make sure to fill your necessaire with a toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, and -shall you need it- a shaving machine, cream and after-shave lotion. There's probably no need to worry about soap and shampoo, since most hotels will provide them. Nevertheless, if your accomodation is an appartment, you'd better take them with you.

Regarding clothes for your trip, they will always be "too many". As the saying goes: "lay in your bed the clothes you think you'll need, and then take half of them back to the closet".

All joking aside, try to pick the minimum set of clothes that you feel will wear. Remember to check the weather forecast for your destination, in order to carry the right clothes for it.

3. Make the most of your leisure time

One of the best things of a business travel, is having the chance to explore the city or town where you'll be working and its surroundings. 
Run a Google search for tourist information. Most cities have an official tourism page, which is a good place to start. 
TripAdvisor is another favourite in order to get reviews of hotels, restaurants, etc. 
If your stay is long enough to have a free weekend, look for other towns, or points of interest in the outskirts, that will give you a different view of the way of life in that zone.

Have a great trip!


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