Tips before a travel

I’ll give you some tips

-          - Check a lot of travel websites to choose the correct price . Prices may differ deppending of the comission the portal in which you buy the tickets  . Of course before the payment , consider the final sprice including luggage and extra commodities.

-          - Check at a  good variety hostage websites to choose the best Price at the best hotel. A lot of times some prices depend on the portal you are visiting. That causes that if you make a reserve at a hotel in portal A , and later you realize in a different portal , let’s call it Portal B , the stay is cheaper than the reserve you’ve already made . You can ask for at least an equal the price.

-          - Related to the last tip. It will be a good task looking for a safe location at the place you are visiting. A good way could be searching people comments at trip websites or forums. To enjoy your stay you don’t want to be hosted in an insecure place so it´s good to make this effort.

-          - Depending on the time you will spend at your destiny , take with you a reasonable number of clothes , to avoid using the same clothes frequently . This will be good too , when some time later in a family meeting and watching a photo álbum you ‘ll not appear with the same shirt and pants in all the photos.

At least this are the tips before travelling , i hope you enjoyed this article.


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